I got a lot accomplished today. Started to sand the entire interior with an electric sander to prep for paint. Then hand sanded the areas that the electric couldn't reach. This took forever.
The removed the rear hatch, the rear bumper, cleaned off the left over sealant from the tail lights and weather stripping , and prepped the car for a power wash.
Gave the car a nice interior bath.
Nice and clean interior. As soon as it dries, it's ready for priming.
While that's drying, time to mask off the windows and panels I don't want paint on.
And so the priming begins. The color is Rustoleum Dark Gray primer 2089. Looked like black when I was painting, but it started to turn gray as it dried.
So... one can is definitely not enough... lol. But it's starting to look a little better after the primer dried.
Ok, I think it's time to invest in a respirator. Rattle can fumes are quite toxic. Those cheap dusk masks aren't doing anything for the fumes. Hopefully on Friday, I should be able to get the rest of the interior painted and have those rust holes fixed with fiberglass and body filler.
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